Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Misha's North Ave. Observations: Part 1

11.10.09 | 1:30-1:50

Rainy days are pretty unexciting in the North Avenue Apartment courtyard. At this time of day the only people seen were traveling between the bus stops and their apartment buildings. Most students walked by quickly and silently, eyes forward or down to the ground to keep out the rain and umbrellas up. Almost everyone sticks to the sidewalks as the field is slightly flooded, with the exception of one brave, rain-booted group of girls (seen below). All of the benches were empty, and apart from one man (who stopped to speak to me) no one lingered outside longer than necessary. Puddles gathered everywhere, and even the cleaning staff had umbrellas and took refuge for a smoke break at one of the few covered tables (also seen below). Overall, there was very little interaction between people or with the environment due to the weather conditions.

Rain does not create the best environment for augmented reality as very few people want to stay out long in the rain. However, with this space our field can be seen from three separate buildings through dorm windows, so markers could still be registered if it were large enough. This is something to consider as it rains a lot in Atlanta (this year at least!).

such a dreary day...

one lonely student

walking quickly, head down

most people stick to the sidewalks

rain boots save the day!

no one wants to sit on a wet bench

take cover!!

empty tables with puddles everywhere!


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